
Objectives of MOGCSP

The Objectives of MOGSCP are to;

  • Promote Gender Mainstreaming and gender responsive budgeting(GRB) in MDAs and MMDAs through capacity building
  • Improve the socio-economic status of the vulnerable and the excluded through targeted interventions
  • Enhance evidence based decision making on gender equality, the empowerment of the vulnerable and excluded by collecting disaggregated data
  • Protect and promote the development and the rights of children, the vulnerable and the excluded through awareness creation and effective implementation of National and International Policy frameworks and legislations
  • Assess progress on implementation of gender related programmes and projects and evaluate policy outcomes and impacts through effective monitoring and evaluation framework to provide inputs for gender, children and social protection policy review and planning
  • Integrate and coordinate the rights of the vulnerable, the excluded and persons with disabilities into national development through social protection programmes
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